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Sbordoni (Utis) to Agimeg: "Politics today admitted to having used the game, without worrying about the consequences"

"What emerges today, in a clear manner, is that politics has admitted to having used the game for media and tax purposes, but without worrying about the consequences". Thus Stefano Sbordoni, secretary of the Utis, comments on the presentation of the First Report on the Game edited by Confcommercio and by Acadi.

And Agimeg says, "Both with the Utis, and as a member of the Observatory of Salerno, I was able to see that the game exists regardless. As is the case in all sectors, if they are not regulated, there is room for illegality. As far as the game is concerned, volumes are incompressible, it is a fact, they simply move to one side or the other, legal play and illegal play are not two distinct worlds, but they are the effect of Other, as happens in many sectors of the economy. The gray market and the phenomenon of pathologies are triggered whenever there is a lack of legislation on the part of the State, and in this sector the legislation has been uneven and unorganized for too many years". And returning to the presentation: "Today, politics has also admitted that the numbers put on the budget are not credible. As some speakers have said, the Ministers of Economy themselves enter the various Maneuvers, but then admit that it is impossible to hope to obtain them. And it could not be otherwise, not only because taxation is in itself unsustainable, but also because the sector is not put in a position to work". And he concludes,"In situations like this - where a sector is asked to insure a certain revenue, but then a whole series of brakes are imposed - the politicians should respond to the rules that emanate, and should be subjected to the control of the Court of Auditors".