

AIR and VIR: tools for implementing the quality of standardization

It is possible to download, from the official page of the General Advocacy of the State, the review relating to the Acts of Convengo: "For an observatory of litigation as a tool for regulatory quality. The containment of public spending and economic development" held in Rome, at the General Advocacy of the State, last 24 May 2018.

The cosmic void

The definition of emptiness applies to many cases, maintaining the common characteristic of generating a sense of anguish in those who enter it.
The most disturbing perhaps that of quantum physics, which defines the void as the main element of the Universe, which hides within itself infinite surprises: to the point of saying that "a bit 'of emptiness contains energy that can destroy the whole planet Earth".
What does this have to do with the game and in particular with the public game? We explain it.

The sentence of the Constitutional Court n. 27 of 2018

The constitutional court with the sentence no. 27/2018, published on 14.02.2018, spoke on three issues raised in 2015 by the Provincial Tax Commission of Rieti, relating to the constitutional legitimacy of the Single Tax on Bets and Predictions, governed by Legislative Decree no. 504/1998, as amended by the art. 1, paragraph 66, lett. b) of Law 220/2010 (2011 Stability Law).

The network

Last week the news of yet another round against criminal associations. There is talk of over 30 arrests and - of course (sic) - of the involvement of some of those arrested with the gaming industry. This seems to be the aspect that most interests in the media. However, regardless of all the guarantees of the law and the benefit of the principle, shared or not, which says that until the final sentence is presumed innocence, there is an element that is never put in the obvious evidence by the press: if it's illegal gambling, there's a legal game that does not deserve public ridicule!

The obscurantist respectability

Pierluigi Battista (author of a beautiful and disturbing article in the Corriere del 21 gennaio u.s.) allows us to use the concept he expressed, for what the public gaming sector is going through in Italy. The occasion is given by the issue of the amendments approved recently to the Tuscany regional law n. 57/13, which again brings us back to a strange context, that of obscurantist respectability.