
Cookie Policy

Cookies are short fragments of text (letters and / or numbers) that allow the web server to store on the client (the browser, eg Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Opera ...) information to be reused during the same visit to the site (session cookies) or later, even after days (persistent cookies). Cookies are stored, according to user preferences, by the single browser on the specific device used (computer, tablet, smartphone). Similar technologies, such as, for example, web beacons, transparent GIFs and all forms of local storage introduced with HTML5, can be used to gather information and use services. A cookie can not retrieve any other data from the user's hard disk nor transmit computer viruses or acquire email addresses. Each cookie is unique to the user's web browser. Some of the functions of cookies can be delegated to other technologies.

Based on the characteristics and use of cookies can distinguish various types of cookies:

a) Technical cookies

These cookies are essential for the proper functioning of a website that are used to manage various services related to websites (such as a login or access to the functions reserved in the sites). The duration of cookies is strictly limited to the work session or they may use a longer time of stay in order to remember the choices of the visitor. The deactivation of technical cookies can compromise the user experience and navigation of the website.

b) Analytical cookies (analytics)

These cookies are used to collect information on the use of the site. This information is used for anonymous statistical analysis in order to improve the use of the site and to make the content more interesting and relevant to the user's wishes. This type of cookie collects anonymous data on the user's activity and how he arrived on the site. Analytical cookies are sent from the site itself or from third-party domains. They also allow you to monitor the system and improve its performance and usability. The deactivation of these cookies can be performed without any loss of functionality and will be discussed in detail later.

c) Cookies for the analysis of third-party services

These cookies are used in order to collect information on the use of the site by users anonymously such as: pages visited, time spent, origins of the traffic of origin, geographic origin, age, gender and interests for the purpose of marketing campaigns. These cookies are sent from third-party domains external to the site.

d) Cookies to integrate products and functions of third-party software

This type of cookie integrates features developed by third parties within the pages of the site such as icons and preferences expressed in social networks in order to share site content or for the use of third-party software services (such as software for generate maps and additional software that offer additional services). These cookies are sent from third-party domains and from partner sites that offer their functionality between the pages of the Site.

e) Profiling cookies

These cookies are necessary to create user profiles in order to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the user within the pages of the Site.

Types of cookies used and their purpose

Sbordoni & Partners Associated Law Firm (hereinafter "Firm") uses the following types of cookies:

Technical session cookies: used for navigation and to facilitate access and use of the site. They are essential for accessing protected resources without having to re-enter credentials at each page change. These cookies are automatically deleted when you close the browser.
Persistent technical cookies: they are useful cookies to favor the correct use of the site by the user. They are used, for example, to preserve user preferences such as layout, language, etc. These preferences remain valid even after the browser is closed and reopened.
Third-party cookies: visiting a website you can receive cookies from sites managed by other organizations ("third parties") that may reside in Italy or abroad. In this case the Data Controller is not responsible for the operation of third-party cookies.

The user choosing to browse the site understands that the same uses the aforementioned cookies.

Withdrawal of consent to the use of cookies (renunciation / opt-out)

Users can revoke their consent to the use of cookies in their browser using the options of the browser manufacturer used. If you opt for this solution, navigation may be slower and it will no longer be possible to use some of our services. For more information on the use of cookies and how to block them, the user can visit youronlinechoices.eu (in Europe) or aboutads.info/choices (in the United States). For any questions or comments regarding the use of cookies, the user can contact the Studio at .

Changes to the cookie policy

The Firm may change this cookie policy based on new legislative or regulatory requirements, or to ensure that the aforementioned policy complies with the instructions published by the Italian Data Protection Authority. When significant changes have been made to this cookie policy, users will be notified via a notification on the site or via e-mail for registered users.