

Speech by Lawyer Stefano Sbordoni at the conference organized by O.I.E.S. (Italian eSports Observatory) held on 8 and 9 May 2023 in the Italian Parliament on the topic "Criticalities and potential of esports in Italy"

Future Lab 2023, interview with Avv. Sbordoni on "gaming and the metaverse"

Future Lab 2023, interview with Lawyer Stefano Sbordoni on "Gaming and Metaverse"

Sigma. Sbordoni at PressGiochi: "In the online field, Italian operators have all the skills to be successful"

Enada Primavera, Sbordoni (Utis) at Agimeg: "Reorganization principles that can be shared, it is essential that all parties are involved in the subsequent delegated decrees"

Speech by the lawyer Stefano Sbordoni at the Betting on Sports conference held from 9 to 11 November 2021 at Stamford Bridge - London (UK)

Intervention of the Lawyer Stefano Sbordoni at the Esports Business Day forum held in Rimini on September 22, 2021

Interview with the lawyer Stefano Sbordoni, UTIS president, at the public gaming event held last February 18th in Rome and Milan

Interview with the lawyer Stefano Sbordoni UTIS President at the gaming sector demonstration

Do you need legal advice on games and bets?

The Law Firm Sbordoni & Partners is a leader in the Games and Betting sector. Contact us to request advice and legal assistance!