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New Totocalcio an "attractive formula for historical and new players"

So said Mr. Fabrizio Fiorentino, director of the Betting Office of the Customs and Monopoly Agency in an interview published in the GiocoNews magazine last June in reference to the new Totocalcio, which will return with the next start of the Serie A football
It is now known to many, if not all, that the start of the next Serie A football championship scheduled for the end of August will bring a whole new "Totocalcio" as a pleasant surprise for betters, with the maintenance of formula 1, X , 2 and the return of the '13' as a first category prize, and the introduction for the player of the possibility of managing his predictions and making more than a '13' with a single ticket. As we have already anticipated here, the new Totocalcio provides more game formulas. In fact, it will be possible to play three, five, seven, nine, eleven, thirteen games included in a schedule consisting of eight compulsory events and up to twelve events chosen by the player, each formula will give rise to its own prize pool and the compulsory games will come choices among those with the most uncertain outcome, in such a way as to make the prediction difficult even for the simplest formulas (three, five, seven), however leaving the player the possibility to choose one or more events among the options to be included in the prediction . All this in order to a relaunch that was the subject, last year, of an open hearing promoted by the Customs and Monopoly Agency, which made it possible to collect the observations of the stakeholders in the sector. Mr. Fabrizio Fiorentino, director of the Betting Office of the Customs and Monopoly Agency, in an interview given to GiocoNews magazine last June, pointed out that the general manager of the Agency Mr. Marcello Minenna has personally contributed to the creation of the new game thanks to his remarkable scientific and mathematical skills. He said that "The open hearing was very important to listen to the ideas, orientations and proposals of the dealers who are the subjects who have the task of marketing the product and who, therefore, have direct contact with the users of the game", and specified that "a constant collaborative dialogue was also held with Utis - Unione totoricevitori Italian sports which, as is well known, is the historic association of the sector and whose contribution was very useful also in virtue of the deep and historical knowledge of the sector and of the entire chain of sports betting competitions. "The latest version of the competition, therefore, also takes into account the proposals received from various players in the supply chain and has found the satisfaction of operators for its innovative formula and diversified that allows you to reconcile the needs of the public still linked to the 'thirteen' with those of a younger audience tending to types of games simpler and faster. Therefore, as the Director continued, "the new Totocalcio appears absolutely in line with the intention of safeguarding that core of traditional bettors but, at the same time, of attracting new ones to a product that - it is emphasized is low or zero risk of gambling addiction. for its intrinsic gaming dynamics and for its family gaming tradition that has always been dear to Italians, which preserves social and aggregation purposes that are very important for the connective tissue of our country.
It should also be noted that a significant part of the proceeds from the new Totocalcio go to finance - through Sport and Salute Spa - social, sporting and cultural initiatives ”. The Director of the Betting Office of the Customs and Monopolies Agency then specified that "the final version of the new Totocalcio regulation will be formally adopted as soon as the experimentation phase of the new communication protocol between the national totalizator and the concessionaires is completed ”, Available in the test environment from June 1st. "In any case", continued Mr. Fiorentino, "the new regulation must be considered the one already made available to dealers in a draft version, taking into account that any (and, in any case, very limited) changes to the text will be made only in the event of needs arising during the testing of the new communication protocol ". An important change, after more than seven decades in which the Totocalcio ticket has followed the evolution of the Italians and their desire to try their luck. "The ingredients that determined its great popularity", remembers Fiorentino, "are precisely those mentioned above and, therefore, the fact of constituting a game that involves a moment of social and / or family aggregation with the dream of achieving a big win ". The Director and with him all of ADM believe that these reasons, even in a different social context and in continuous and rapid evolution, still exist today, so there is the conviction that there are all the necessary elements to relaunch the competition. from this point of view, it was thought that a return to the historic 'thirteen', instead of the fourteen of the formula being discontinued, could have a positive and propulsive effect to attract the most public experienced, while the simpler and faster types of games have the aim of attracting young people for their characteristics of greater immediacy.