According to U.t.i.s., on behalf of its general secretary lawyer Stefano Sbordoni, in order to face the heavy economic consequences in the gaming and betting sector deriving from the Covid 19 emergency, a confrontation with the Government on reopening is very necessary.
The gaming sector took to the streets again. On Thursday 18 last, a unitary event of public gaming was held in Rome and Milan, obviously according to the safety methods provided for by the emergency legislation in force, promoted by the temporary association of Gioco Lecito companies with the support of 250 companies in the sector and dozens of associations. The aim was to once again raise awareness among institutions and public opinion on the serious state of difficulty in which over 150,000 workers are affected by the prolonged suspension of the activities of the state gaming sector due to the anti-Covid Dpcm and by the absolute uncertainty about the date of recovery. Among the associations, U.t.i.s.- Union of Italian Sports Totoricevitori participated both as a member of Giocare Italia and on its own with its representatives in Milan and Rome. Lawyer Stefano Sbordoni, General Secretary of Utis, has hoped that the Government will finally be able to give its consent to a project that has been invoked for some time, namely the formalization of the 'gaming operator's license', with an official recognition concretized by a real and its own certificate like the one issued to tobacconists through a course of verification of certain conditions. "Only those who achieve it", pointed out lawyer Sbordoni, "will be able to carry out this activity". Moreover, the lawyer Sbordoni once again remarked that "gambling must be recognized as a 'necessary public service', because, as we know, and everyone says it throughout the parliamentary arc, it is a bulwark of legality". "We know well" continued lawyer Sbordoni, "that the volume of play is 'that' and cannot be reduced and compressed and that if it is not managed by someone it is managed by 'someone else'. There may be some fluctuations linked to the number of inhabitants or to the average income in an area but the volume is substantially that. Since it is a defense of legality, the game must be considered a necessary public service". Lawyer Sbordoni concluded by reiterating the necessity and urgency of this recognition "together with the reform of the sector, which gives this type of guarantees, with the suspension of municipal and regional regulations which have only a destructive effect, an act even more necessary as soon as the health conditions will make it possible to resume working in dignity".