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New stop to arcade, bingo, betting and casino activities

The new Decree of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers signed by the Prime Minister Mario Draghi, which entered into force on 6 March, extended the closure of all activities in the gaming and betting sector until 6 April.
New stop at betting rooms, bingo halls and casinos, even if they are carried out in premises used for different activities until next April 6. This was set by the first D.P.C.M. signed by the new Prime Minister Mario Draghi and entered into force on March 6, containing further provisions implementing the decree-law of March 25, 2020, n. 19, converted, with amendments, by law 22 May 2020, n. 35, containing "Urgent measures to deal with the epidemiological emergency from COVID-19", of the decree-law of 16 May 2020, n. 33, converted, with amendments, by law 14 July 2020, n. 74, containing «Further urgent measures to deal with the epidemiological emergency from COVID-19», and the decree-law of 23 February 2021, n. 15, containing «Further urgent provisions regarding travel on the national territory for the containment of the epidemiological emergency from COVID-19». In fact, Article 20 establishes that "The activities of amusement arcades, betting rooms, bingo halls and casinos are suspended, even if they are carried out within premises used for different activities". Moreover, the same Decree also provides for the suspension of all "activities of theme and amusement parks". On the other hand, "the access of children and young people to places intended for the performance of playful, recreational and educational activities, even non-formal ones, indoors or outdoors, with the help of operators to entrust them in custody is allowed. and with the obligation to adopt specific safety protocols prepared in accordance with the guidelines of the Department for family policies as per attachment 8".