News from A.D.M. for the offer of horse racing betting programs complementary to the official horse racing betting program.
Marcello Minnenna, general director of the Customs and Monopoly Agency, with directorial determination of last December 9, has made changes and additions to the Directorial Determination n. 61681 of 5 April 2019 concerning "The offer of horse racing betting programs complementary to the official horse racing betting program". Here is a summary of the content of the provision. In article 3, paragraph 3, letter a), after the words "the results predictable, "the words" the number or numbers of the expected winning outcomes are added, ". The following changes are made to Article 4: a) to paragraph 3, letter a), point 8), after the words" starting method "The words" for trotting races "are added; b) in paragraph 3, letter a), point 9), after the words" starting horses "the words" are added, and an indication of any participation in the race as a reserve horse "; c) in paragraph 3, letter b), point 7), after the words" starting methods "the words" for trotting races "are added. In article 13 the following are added amendments: a) in paragraph 4, the words "paragraph 4" are replaced by the words "paragraph 5"; b) in paragraph 6, the words "c omma 4 "are replaced by the words" paragraph 5 ". Further, Article 14, paragraph 4 of the aforementioned 2019 determination was replaced as follows: "4. The deadline for acceptance of fixed-odds bets referred to in Article 9, paragraph 1, letters b), d) and f) is fixed for the ante-post race at the time of the official communication of the race starters and, in any case, no later than the day before the performance of the same for the races of the complementary program. For the antepost event race, the acceptance deadline is set to the day prior to the last antepost race of which it is composed. " The following article is inserted after article 14: "ARTICLE 14 bis - Reserve horses, 1. The horses identified in the complementary program as reserve horses are considered no betting, without indication in the acceptance program of the relative quota; 2. The reserve horses do not contribute to the determination of the winning results of the types of bets offered. " In Article 15, paragraph 1, letter e), the words "for trotting races" are added after the words "starting methods. The following changes are made to Article 16: a) after paragraph 1 the following paragraph is inserted: "1bis. The reduction to be applied is established on the basis of the number of possible winning outcomes provided for by the type of bet accepted and the amount of the horse withdrawn or the unachievable outcome as detected at the time of acceptance of the fixed odds bet. "; b) in paragraph 2, first and last line, the words "paragraph 3" are replaced by the words "paragraph 2"; c) in paragraph 3, the words "paragraph 3" are replaced by the words "paragraph 2"; d) in paragraph 4, the words "minus one" are added after the words "agreed quota". The following changes are made to Article 17: a) in paragraph 3, the words "paragraph 3" are replaced by the words "paragraph 2"; b) in paragraph 4, the words "paragraph 3" are replaced by the words "paragraph 2". The provisions contained in this determination apply after 30 days from its publication.