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Bingo concession, reduction of the monthly fee.

This is how the 2021 Draft Budget Law provides, a response to the gaming crisis due to the lockdowns established to deal with the Covid19 emergency.
In the M.E.F. Report for the 2021 Budget Law, the modification of the onerous extensions of Bingo should be provided with the passage of the fee from 7500 to 2800 euros per month. The Government, therefore, having acknowledged the crisis in public gaming in the light of the two lockdowns this year, with the next Budget law would be preparing direct measures to protect the Bingo sector, considering modifying the conditions for the onerous extensions with the reduction of the fees foreseen to date. Basically, according to the rumors of Palazzo Chigi, the Government would be willing to establish that, starting from the first deadline following the reopening of the Bingo halls, as allowed by the provisions of the competent local authorities adopted in the months of June and July 2020, and until the expiry of the payment deadline for May 2021, the license fee will be € 2,800. This is confirmed by the Explanatory Report on the sector presented by the Ministry of Economy, in view of the maneuver for 2021, which according to the estimates circulating at the moment, will have a total value of 37.9 billion euros. The report, in fact, first of all notes that the Dpcm adopted in February and March to cope with the Coronavirus emergency made "the collection of public gaming impossible or difficult, also in consideration of the prohibition of physical movement on the territory...during the months of June and July 2020, the Regions allowed the reopening of gaming activities, including the Bingo halls; the application of the provisions to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 infection, provided by local authorities, led to a contraction of the collection of the game due to the lower influx of players and the dilation of the times of performance of the individual matches ".