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Emilia Romagna, Sbordoni: 'Game, Region ready for comparison'

Stefano Sbordoni, secretary of UTIS, illustrates the results of the hearing at the Emilia Romagna Council of legal gambling operators after today's sit-in, 17 September.

Bologna - "We will try to present a document to the Region, to be evaluated shortly, to find a corrective to the situation that has been generated".

Thus the lawyer Stefano Sbordoni, secretary of Utis - Union of Italian sports receivers, explains to Gioconews.it the results of the hearing with the group leaders and the vice president of the Emilia Romagna regional council of a representation of the operators of the legal game that today , 17 September, they demonstrated in Bologna.

"They said they were willing to listen to us, so they explained their position on the sector. Unfortunately, before the local elections (which according to the latest hypothesis will be held in January 2020, Ed.) It is technically impossible for a proposal to amend the current law to be presented "We will wait for the next council", concludes Sbordoni.

The sit-in of today, which saw the participation of over a thousand people, in recent days has received the support of numerous associations in the sector - from Acmi to Agisco - and was the starting point for As.Tro and Sapar to ask to politics an evaluation of the actual effectiveness of the law in force in contrasting pathological gambling, while Acadi has made itself available to the Presidency, the Council, the Council, the councilors and the regional institutions to deepen the question also in a discussion table.