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Machines without cash prizes, the entry into force of the authorization obligation has been extended to July 1st 2024

Thus the Customs and Monopolies Agency established with Directorial Determination of June 27 2023

The entry into force of the installation ban for all devices without cash prizes pursuant to article 110, paragraph 7 of the T.U.L.P.S. has been postponed to 1 July 2024. installed before 1 January 2003, according to the provisions of article 14-bis, paragraph 1 of the Presidential Decree 26 October 1972, no. 640 and subsequent amendments and additions. From that date, in fact, only appliances equipped with a authorization for commissioning issued in accordance with current regulations and the relative electronic identification device may be installed. Still postponed to 1 July 2024 the entry into force of the installation ban for devices that can distribute coupons, from that date only the mechanical and electromechanical devices referred to in article 14-bis, paragraph 5, of the Presidential Decree may be installed. 26 October 1972, no. 640 and subsequent amendments and additions, which can distribute coupons and are classified between the devices paragraph 7c-bis) and the devices paragraph 7c-ter), provided with an authorization title for putting into operation according to the rules in force and the relative device of electronic identification. By 31 December 2024, the machines that distribute coupons must in any case undergo a technical verification of conformity according to the technical regulations in force. The entry into force of the no impediment document has been extended to July 1, 2024 also for the attractions called "pavilions and entertainment halls", in which only the devices referred to in article 110, paragraph 7 of the T.U.L.P.S. can be installed, as well as the " hand-operated coin-operated game, bulldozer-operated coin-operated game, vertical skill fishing", already installed on December 31, 2002. For the purposes of applying the provisions, any type of device that allows gaming without winning cash does not comply to the technical rules referred to in the DRTEC installed on July 1, 2022 inside the pavilions and entertainment rooms, it must be provided with an authorization no later than June 30, 2024, if not possible, it must be uninstalled. This provisional regime also includes equipment that allows gaming via remote connection provided they are equipped with specific hardware or software elements that prevent free navigation on the net, allowing only connection to online platforms intended solely for gambling without winning money.