According to lawyer Stefano Sbordoni, General Secretary of the Italian Sports Totoricevitori Union, the consequences of the covid 19 emergency risk definitively destroying the legal gaming sector, already harassed for too long.
Lawyer Stefano Sbordoni, General Secretary of the Italian Sports Totoricevitori Union, in an interview with Agimeg during the recent event of the legal gaming sector held in Piazza Montecitorio in Rome, responding on the reasons for these continuing protests, reiterated they are necessary for the increasing difficulties that the entire sector has been going through for a long time, especially in this period of Covid 19 emergency. "The operators are afraid that this pandemic emergency could be used to destroy the sector" pointed out the well-known legal owner of the Sbordoni & Partners firm, leader in Italy in the gambling and betting sector, "and if this were to happen, the Italian State would hit itself, since even those who are historically against legal gaming have had to recognize that the closure of gambling halls has led to a dramatic increase in illegality". According to lawyer Sbordoni, if on the one hand the sector, while suffering the effects of the pandemic in this period, "is able to develop antibodies against illegality", on the other, however, "if the immune system is destroyed, they can't create an immune system capable of repelling attacks by organized crime and the underworld ".