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Esports, the first register was established in Italy too

Thanks to the initiative of the Italian Esports Observatory, Italy will finally acquire the first Public Register of Espots 
For the first time in Italy, the Public Esports Register is born, an initiative designed by O.I.E.S., the Italian Esports Observatory, which aims to give professionalism to the sector and raise the quality standard of consulting services in the sector. This register is intended to facilitate companies in identifying qualified partners in the development of Esports and gaming projects. The quality path will document knowledge of the entire esports ecosystem and the ability to advise professionals, agencies and teams. The certification processes will then flow into a single space, precisely the OIES Public Register, which companies will be able to consult to get to know the stakeholders with concrete skills in Esports marketing and business, certified by OIES. The register will consist of three certificates issued by the Italian Esports Observatory, which correspond to the three types of target that can provide advice to companies: professionals, agencies and teams. All the processes will be validated by a scientific committee of experts identified by the OIES, which will be announced with a specific communication and which will evaluate the functional skills for inclusion in this Register. The establishment of a Public Register of Esports is a concrete response to the ever growing need of companies to rely on qualified partners in investments in this sector. After all, brands are a backbone of the OIES network and of the entire Italian export ecosystem. The commitment of OIES to provide answers to this need arises precisely from the daily relationship with them and has now materialized with this initiative, which will allow the qualitative evolution of the Italian esports context through a process of increasing professionalization of the sector.